Saturday, June 10, 2017

Cafe Therapy

Oh, hello here! Why, I believe it's been over 2 years! Am I even talking to anyone? Hello?  So.. I'm about to change this blog around irreparably, and I was flipping through my old drafts, and here's a little gem I never published. There's a surprise at the bottom.


I can't afford therapy. Between #2's art classes, #1's play therapy, and #3's extra pair of leg braces, it's just not happening. Oh yes and the $20+ THOUSAND dollars we need to pay in tuition this year. Can't afford much.

But there's one thing I can afford.

I can afford to buy a cappucino and sit in a cafe for hours, listening to trendy music and looking like I'm doing something very important on my computer.

As a harried mother constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I value the time I can spend in a place that is...

... clean...
... calm...
... where there are grown-ups...

Add something just a little sweet and adult-tasting, and that's it. I am relaxed.

Whenever friends and acquaintances of mine begin to speak about moving out of town, I can fantasize for a few minutes of endless space, grass, and a bigger house. But of course, I have to ask: Are there any kosher cafes in this out of town place? I don't know if I demote myself to cholov stamm and Starbucks...

So I take cafes very seriously.


And apparently I took living IN town pretty seriously because of them. But in the interim, I actually have moved out of town. And to be sure, I miss my cafes terribly. But since Odradeks closed, I guess life was just meant to change...

I would like to write more about where this blog is going, but it's so severe, I'll be putting it up in another post... Hopefully in a few minutes.