Thursday, August 6, 2015

Moshiach is Coming

"Does he know," she said referring to my son walking past in his walker and leg braces, "that Moshiach's arrival is imminent and he can soon throw those things away? That it's not coming sometime soon, but now?" She points to the floor to emphasize now.

My kids and I, and my son's ComHab assitant, are at a birthday party for my friend's son who is turning 1 year old. The party is in Crown Heights, down a very long flight of stairs.

It's my nature, for some reason, to take everything very seriously. So immediately, my mind begins to form a response in the way of the effect of such a statement made to such a boy. And what it would mean when moshiach doesn't come, and the child continues to be dependent on assistive technology, tomorrow. And the day after that. And next week. And at his 4th birthday party. And 5th.

I could ask his play therapist what she thought about it. I think she might refer to such a statement to this child as "disastrous."

Thank Gd for 30+ years of life experience to teach me that replying in this way would not be appropriate. The fact of the matter is that this lady, in her late 50's perhaps, is very sweet, and very sincere. Where does she get this emuna from? Is it from a life of difficulty where she saw Hashem's hand so clearly guiding her and strengthening her?

Maybe it's from a life so difficult, that's all you got. Like a crazy woman in the corner of rehab, fragile and pale, swaying back and forth in front of a wall: "Moshiach is coming... Moshiach is coming... Moshiach is coming... Moshiach is coming..."

Anyway. Hope they're right.

Wishing you all of Hashem's open brachas in perfect abundance,
Rivka Devora

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